Innovative Coaching Academy

Innovative empowerment edupreneurship

Innovative Coaching Academy

Innovative empowerment edupreneurship

Empowering future & current leaders to create a life of purpose, abundance and well-being

Innovative Coaching Academy is an innovative empowerment edupreneurship founded by Adrienn Fekete, PhD. 

Are you a future leader, aka, a student, a career starter, a career changer, or a working professional?

Are you a current leader, aka, a business owner, a manager, a leader, or an entrepreneur?

empowerment services

Individual & group online empowerment coaching sessions & programs

Online courses

Self-paced online courses.
Email video courses.


Articles, e-books, videos, webinars, audios, and more...

Let's connect if you are facing challenges such as
  • Finding your life purpose, 

  • Finding the right career or profession for you, 

  • Boosting learning, performance & achievement in your studies, profession, or company, 

  • Improving your intercultural communication & cultural awareness in a multicultural environment,

  • Boosting your confidence & unlocking your full potential,

  • Overcoming your negative self-talk, limiting beliefs & fears, 

  • Improving communication and conflict management at the workplace,

  • Setting & achieving your goals,

  • Managing stress & anxiety,

  • Mastering your emotions & boosting your emotional intelligence,

  • Creating a personalized self-care routine for your physical, mental & emotional well-being, 

  • Creating a healthy work-life balance, or

  • Setting healthy boundaries, & saying ‘no’ confidently.

Methods & tools

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP)

Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT)

Mindfulness & Meditation

Therapeutic Art & Drama Therapy

Happy Clients, Happy Stories

The coaching sessions are amazingly insightful and the instructor is very knowledgeable, patient, and supportive. I have learned a lot about myself, for instance, how to capitalize on my abilities and skills, improve my weaknesses, cope with my perfectionism, reduce stress, do better at work, and manage my personal life better.
Sara D.
Learning, performance, and achievement coaching
Life-purpose coaching has changed my life. I no longer blame my past experiences for the negative things in my life because I've taken back control over my life. Every session was a real eye-opener for me. Now I see a clear path before me and I know what my greater purpose is. I believe in myself and I have made a plan to achieve my true life goals! Thank you!
Life purpose coaching
I had always thought I knew how to manage my life and how to find happiness. During the sessions, however, I realized what true happiness is and how to maintain a happy routine and see the beauty in the small things. I highly recommend that everyone explore happiness coaching. It shifts your mindset about life and happiness.
Happiness coaching

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